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Luxembourg acts, watch your “R” pronunciation when singing!

Pic from Wiki Commons

As a native Englishman, I’d just like to offer up a little pronunciation advice if I may when it comes to singing in English which I guess is about 90% of Luxembourg acts!

While the level of English is absolutely superb in the Grand Duchy and I remain absolutely flabbergasted at times at many bands’ ability to produce amazing lyrics I’m not sure I could even manage in my own language, there is one tiny little thing that occasionally lets a few of you down – pronunciation of the letter “R”.

After listening to hundreds of songs of the past few years, I’ve noticed regularly the letter “R” in certain words, is often replaced with a “W”. Don’t ask me why this happens and mysteriously it only seems to be a phenomenon while singing not speaking.

As an example here are ten words I’ve heard sung from various local acts. Work out the words!


Now, while this is not a disaster and everyone understands perfectly what is being sung, just a little time working on pronunciation goes a long way. Getting someone else from outside the band to listen to you is a good idea, or why not record your singing and listen back?

Don’t all panic now, this is a minor thing that I’ve observed in only a few Luxembourg acts, but is something that pops up quite a bit and can easily be worked on and eliminated.

Malayalam_pronunciationWhat you don’t want is for this mispronunciation to follow you into the recording studio especially if eventually you are looking to spread your music to an English-speaking country where your “Ws” will be more evident!

This is not a cwiticism….. sorry criticism…. just an observation that will hopefully help just a few of you improve your pronunciation, in fact if any of you need help in this area, don’t hesitate to contact me!

Good luck

Adam :-)

P.S. I actually found a video on this subject too below and it may seem a bit trivial, but this woman has certainly got it right (not “wight”) 😉

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